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Join us for our worship services, where we gather as a body to glorify God through

prayer, praise, and the preaching of His Word.

"God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." - John 4:24

The Lord's Day Service 

Sundays - 10:30am


The Lord's Table

The first Sunday of every new month â€‹


Bible Study

Wednesdays - 7:30pm


Fundamentals of Faith (FOF)

Announced during church service



Join us at our new location as of 1 August 2024

NG Zwaanswyk (Tokai) - 37 Tokai Road, Tokai, Cape Town



We believe in committing to a local assembly through church membership. Although all Christians are part of the universal church of God, their membership in the universal church must be expressed in personal commitment and participation in a local representation of the church of Christ. To help believers understand who we are and what we believe, we offer the  "Fundamentals Course" at least once a year (open to anyone). Thereafter, believers are encouraged to apply for membership.

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